Sustainable Water Management with IoT

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Sustainable Water Management with IoT

By DigiConsult | Sep 19, 2019

From smart home, smart cities and many other fields Internet of Things (IoT) is helping enormously to achieve efficiency and better management of assets. It is time to associate IoT with water utilisation to ensure proper management for conserve water resources. Studies from the United Nations Development Programme highlights that poor water management is leading to water scarcity, and the situation will be worse if the water is not managed efficiently. To ensure water sustainability. for the long run, IoT capabilities can help a lot to achieve this, so let’s dive deep to find out how IoT can help toward smart water management.

Smart water management

A combination of different devices connected together wit analysis and report available on a single platform create a smart water management solution. Smart Water management is about using water conveniently without the least wastage through leaks and other reasons. Moreover, when we talk about smart water management it is also about increasing the quality of water, water pressures, levels,temperature, and many other critical factors that fall in the domain.

IoT real time information for  water management system

IoT platforms provide real time information about the water system enable to take smart decision at the perfect time without delays. Accordingly with smart sensors in IoT system, the water management system requires least human intervention to et tins done correctly.  

Another benefit of real time data, is to detect issues earlier and also to predictive  of failures that do not cause damage. For example avoiding i water pressures tat mint ave lead pipes breakage or machine damage.

If your water system is required maintenance, IoT sensors prompt you in advance about the correct time maintenance needs to be done. Real time information can help to prevent damages in the water system wic automatically create saving benefit and also enables to take smart decisions.

When you entire water system is well monitored, you will save in terms of energy, better operation and also less human intervention.

IoT sensors for better monitoring of assets

Sensors provide real time data to give signal  about the pressure of the water, pH temperature and many other things related to water and water resources.  A dashboard with different analytics enables to take smart decisions for your business, home, cities and other aspects. You will be able to have information about the water being consumed in a particular area, if there is leakage and  decisions can be taken towards better efficiency for water utilities.

Accordingly reservoirs or water tanks level can be monitored perfectly wit details about the level of water present and also information about  daily water consumption is also available.

Another great aspect will monitoring irrigation system to avoid wastage in tat segment. IoT sensors can determine when your plantation need irrigation or not depending on the soil conditions and weather conditions. Your plantation ets  the right amount of water at appropriate time to the desired place wit IoT smart sensors.

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